



When the large air passages which carry air from the windpipe to lungs become inflamed the result is bronchitis. It is usually easy to control and heals completely with full return of function provided proper medicine and early treatment is given.

Bronchitis can be divided into two categories, acute and chronic, each of which has unique etiologies, pathologies, and therapies.


  • Bronchitis can be caused by contagious pathogens. Typical viruses include respiratory virus, rhinovirus, influenza, and others.
  • Smoking is one of the most important causes.
  • Allergy, such as air pollutants.
  • Occupation such as coal miners, grain handlers, and metal moulders & people working with dust.
  • Pre-existing diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema.


  • Cold with nasal discharge.
  • Cough with yellow greenish sputum.
  • Breathlessness.
  • Chest pains
  • Fever with headaches and loss of appetite. These entire symptoms can increase and can cause the condition to become worse. Bronchitis may be indicated by an expectorating cough, shortness of breath (dyspnea), and wheezing.


If you are smoker - ideally quit smoking or at least reduce your intake. Avoid dairy products like milk, butter, cheese because these will increase mucus in the respiratory system.

Avoid dry and overheated rooms.

Avoid overwork, exposure to coldness -because these act as factors to lower your immunity and lead to respiratory infection.

  • Steam inhalations provide a good relief.
  • Take rest at home and keep yourself warm.
  • Take warm water gargles to soothen your throat.

Avoid exposure to paint or dust or exhaust fumes.All fruit diet is recommended for 4-5 days and then followed by diet of raw salads, vegetables sweet fruit for 10-14 days. Garlic, Vitamin B and C are good for preventing bronchitis.Breathing exercises and outdoor exercises e.g. walking, cycling, are recommended.

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